2017 Free Clinics coming soon
12/19/16 - 03:27 PM


Hello everyone We will be continuing our free clinics in 2017, We are giving everyone a Christmas and New Years break.

Our clinics as mentioned are free and are for ages 8-13 at this time. We will work with the older kids once their school season is over.

Please keep a eye on our Facebook page to keep up to day.



Thank you 

Rick Atson                         


Having a great year need some help
6/26/16 - 10:14 PM

Hey everyone we are so excited to be playing in our sixth year.  We have been doing great every year getting more and more players.  This is our first year when some of our Original players fom six years ago are now attending College some of them Free on Full basketball scholarships. We are extremely proud of them and their families,


We love doing what we do with the kids but we cannot do it without support from people like you.. Please take a look at some of our photos below and consider helping us by making a tax deductible donation. 

Click this link for our Go fund me page


Read below to find out how to help

This year we have added all new coaches and many many new 


This year we went young and have players from age 9- 15.

As every year we take kids and teach them the game of basketball

We then take them to tournaments all over NYC and beyond.

Our goal is to get as many kids into the High schools of their 

Choice and the on to College.


We ran into a huge road block this year as our gym we use to practice decided to Double our rent.

We are having a hard time keeping up with the normal bills assocaited with the program and now with this added charge of $800 a month we are really struggling.




Kids always working hard in the gym.


From ages 9-14 we work them all hard.

Champs in Staten Island.


Please consider making a Tax deductible donation to the program and help 

us keep all the kids playing.

Contact us via email or phone to find out how you can donate OR 

Just click on the sponsorship tab on the left and click donate. 

It is Safe and secure.


Thank you for any considertaion



5 Boros 6th annual Dinner/Dance Fundraiser Huge success
5/8/16 - 09:24 PM

I want to take a minute to say thank you to all the people who have supported the program in our 6 years so far.  We had our 6th annual dinner/dance fundraiser last night and it was a huge success. We sold out the building and everyone involved had a great time.  The parents were even playing musical chairs.

We raised a amazing amount of money which will now allow the kids to play for Free the remainder of this season.

There are so many people to thank for the event being a huge success but just to name a few.



Dean Mavrides 

Broadway Stages 

Tracy Gahagan  

Tara Atson

Frankie Coco

Tina Newman 

Aileen Cahill

Connie O's  Bar

Frankie Feast

Anthony Martinez

Karla Licht

American Legion 

And many more 

 Go to our Facebook page to check out many other photos and keep up to date about the program 


Sponsors Needed for 2016
4/22/16 - 11:23 PM

Hello everyone 5 Boros Basketball is now in it's sixth season. We need Sponsors now more then ever. 


We have had numerous players over our short period of time do great things.  Most impressive heading to College Free.  Heading and playing for top NYC high schools and playing on their teams. 

We cannot and will not survive without donations and Sponsors. Our program is Heavily dependent on  generous individuals and Companies like yours to help us out hopefully. 

We are a legal 501 C 3 Non profit so all of your donations are tax deductible and will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

This is the first year we had to actually turn kids down becuase we simply did not have the funding to allow them to play. Normally we have 4 -6 teams with 12 kids per team this year we had to only do 2 teams.

We have a media kit if you need us to send you one ,We have a Awesome Facebook page that shows you all the Amazing years we have played and photos and videos of our players competing in tournaments and practicing.


We try our best to make donating as easy as possible 


1- Click on the link on the Left "Sponsorship program " Read the page then roll down to the bottom click on the Donate Button you can use our safe and secure Paypal button to use your credit or debit card.

2- Check .You can send a check made out to 5 Boros basketball and mail to Rick Atson 122 Beadel st Brooklyn NY 11222


3- Cash or money order. You can either mail or we can arrange a pickup. whatever is easier for you.


We have a Amazing small group of sponsors who we would love to add you to. Our amazing sponsors are below .Please frequent their Business for any needs you may have.


Mavrides Moyal 

Broadway Stages 

Connie O's Bar 

KO Service station 


Any questions you can contact our Director 

Rick Atson 


122 Beadel St 

Brooklyn NY 11222 


Schedule and address for April 23, 2016
4/22/16 - 10:58 PM



Schedule for this Saturday is as follows 

10 year olds ( Mark and Jason) games are 1pm and 3 pm chip game at 7pm

11 year olds ( james and Eric) games are 10 am and 12 pm chip game at 6pm 

All games played at

St Barbara Church, 2200 Church Road, Toms River NJ 08573. 


Any questions contact your coaches Before time.
10 year old coach JAY --917-403-4488
11 year old coach Eirc -646-306-7485


Opening weekend for the 10 and 11 year olds March 19
3/17/16 - 10:38 PM

Games On Sat are as Follows 



10 year old boys( coach Mark and Jay) play at 9:35 and 10:40 If you win Chip is at 1 pm @ Wayne PAL 1 Pal Drive Wayne NJ 07470 

Coach Number - Mark -347-628-7225



11 year old boys ( Coach James ) Play at 3 Pm and 5:10 
@ Fairleigh Dickerson University, 285 Madison Ave Madison NJ 07940

Coach Number  - James -917-562-8408






Workouts and More for 9 and 10 year olds.
2/2/16 - 06:52 PM

 Hello at this time we are accepting 9 and 10 year old boys who may be interested in playing basketball on a highly competitive level.


We are working out with the boys two nights a week at this time 


Our locations are

WED -- St Cecilia Gym 24 North Henry St Brooklyn NY 6:30 Start doors open 6pm

Thursday -- Grand St Campus  850 Grand St Brooklyn NY  6:30 start doors open 6pm

Enter on Waterbury and Grand St.


Our Program is free to all players, but we are always looking for sponsors to help offset our expenses.We are also looking to any volunteers who are interested in helping our program grow in any way.Maybe Grant writers, Gym location finders,players scout, Asst Coaches, Fundraising committe.

Anyone interested in being a sponsor or donating can contact our director below or click on the sponsorship link on the left for more info. WE are a LEGAL 501 C 3 NON PROFIT. 


We are very well known for teaching kids basketball the correct way. We do alot of skills and fundamentals, we do not just throw out the ball we work the boys hard.

We put the teams in numerous local tournaments and we do numerous away travel tournaments. 

The program is great fun for the kids and parents but it is a commitment and time consuming. We tell all parents and players if they cannot committ they should not come down. We practice two nights a week and during playing season we play two weekends or more a month.


We have had numerous former players accepted to top High schools in the area and play on the teams such as Christ the king,Lincoln,Molloy,Mcclancy,Xavier,Holy Cross, St Pats and more.


We have also had several players attend College on Basketball Scholarships Including most recent our Director son Travis Atson heading to Tulsa University.


Anyone interested in bringing the child down can just show up or call,text or Email our director






Follow us on Facebook for up to date updates.









Open Tryouts for 10 and 14 year olds
1/6/16 - 04:33 PM

Hello everyone as we enter our 6th year of teaching boys the great sport of basketball we are holding open tryouts for boys ages 9/10 and 13/14.    

Anyone interested in joining our program can just come on down to the gym 

St Cecilia Gym  24 North Henry st Brooklyn Ny 11222 or call for more info 

Wed Nights 6pm is 13/14 year old

Thursday Nights  6:30 pm  is 9/10 year olds

Thursday Nights  6:30 is 13/14 year olds @ Grand st Campus


347-723-4886  Rick   Director 

347-981-2117  Joe    Director

917-562-8408  James 9/10  year olds coach

917-627-3507  Oz   13/14    year olds coach 


5 Boros is one of the top programs in the Tri -State area.  We teach kids the fundamentals of the game along with Sportsmanship, We also make sure all our players are passing their school classes and behaving at home.



5 Boros is also a program that survives ONLY on donations and sponsors so if anyone is interested in being a sponsor please contact our Director or click on the Sponsorship tab on the left top of this page. We are a legal Non profit.



We are also always looking for volunteer coaches to help teach our players if you are interested again please contact our director.





Entering our sixth season
11/13/15 - 11:13 PM


 Hey everyone we are so proud and happy to announce we are now entering our sixth year as one of the top youth basketball programs in the NYC area. 

We take kids and teach them basketball the right way, from the ground up. We then take them out and compete in local top tournaments. When the players are ready we also travel to out of state tournaments.

Our program only survives on Sponsors and donations. If you are interested in helping us keep the kids off the streets and out of trouble please donate.  

There is several ways to help but to do so right now just go to the link on the left that says "Sponsorship Program " it will take you to our fast safe and secure donation site. You can use Debit or credit cards or your pay pal Account.


We have also put the Donate button on the bottom of this page also. It is Safe and Secure.

We also can accept checks and can have them picked up or Mailed all info in on the same page. 

We are  legal  501 C 3 Non Profit so all your donations are tax deductible.


Any questions please feel free to contact our Director




Legal 501 (c) 3 Non Profit.

Rick Atson





New players and new workouts looking great.
10/22/15 - 11:32 PM

 We are now in our 3rd week of our free workouts and we are so happy to see so many new faces showing up and working hard. Every year we open our doors to any one who wants to come and workout for the Month of October. After that we put together teams to go out and compete.

If you think you have what it takes to play on the top level of AAU come on down. We are as always a free program thanks to our great sponsors.

Keep an eye on our facebook page to keep yourself up to date with our workouts,tournaments and whatever we are doing..


Click the links below to see some of this weeks workouts.




Remember we are always lookign for some new volunteers to help us keep the kids off the streets and out of trouble. Anyway interested email or text.


Rick 347-723-4886 

Joe 347-981-2117


Season six is starting up with Free workouts.
10/18/15 - 12:07 AM


Hi everyone we are so excited to announce we are entering our sixth season.  And as every year we start off our season with free workouts for anyone. The workouts are as follows.


Wed Nights 6-8 pm  9-11 year old boys and girls

Thurs Nights 6-8:30pm  12-14 year old boys


Both nights same location St Cecilia Gym 24 North Henry st Brooklyn NY 11222


No need to call just show up and be ready to work we teach basketball from the ground up.


Rick Atson  ( Director )


Joe Rodriguez  ( Co Director)


James Holley ( Coach 10-11 year olds)





5 Boros Basketball is a growing program we are always looking to add good people to our program, anyone interested in coaching,mentoring,assitant coaching or volunteering in anyway please contact us ASAP.


And as always we operate soley on Donations. We are a legal Non Profit 501 C 3 , if you are anyone you know maybe interested in helping us out please contact us ASAP.

